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Unlock Your Sensuality
Welcome ladies!! 💖
Welcome to Unlock Your Sensuality! (5:38)
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Unlock Your Sensual Glutes
Bachata for Couples (3:40)
✨Feel confident in everyday life (18:04)
✨Feel confident on the dance floor (11:50)
MODULE 1 I Being Sensual 💮
Lesson #1 - Bachata basic step No 1 (19:21)
Lesson #2 - Turn(s) it on (25:26)
Lesson #3 - Sensual front waves (15:04)
Lesson #4 - Beginner choreography 1: practice your moves (25:16)
Lesson #5 - Magic lateral wave (20:19)
Lesson #6 - Basic step variations (20:01)
Lesson #7 - Hip movement (30:40)
Lesson #8 - Beginner choreography 2: practice your moves (14:12)
Lesson #9 - Hand(y) tips (19:04)
MODULE 2 I Sensual choreographies 💃
Choreography #1 - PART 1. Señorita lady style (20:05)
Coreography #1 - PART 2. Señorita lady style (29:34)
🆕5' Sensual Movements🆕
Why '5-Minute Sensual Movements'?
*Sexy style* God Is A Woman - Ariana Grande (6:12)
Bachata '7 Dias' - Romeo Santos (5:27)
Bachata 'Una Noche Mas' - Prophex, DJ Moon (7:42)
Bachata 'Caramelo' - DJ Tronky (7:22)
Bachata 'Favorito' - Dani J (6:20)
Bonus #1 - Sensual Arms Moves (15:22)
Bonus #2 - Unlock Your Attractive Posture (8:19)
Bonus #3 - Peach Sculpt Routine (4:51)
Bonus #4 - Unlock Your Core (Flexibility drills) (16:01)
⭐EXTRA (surprise) CONTENT⭐
7 exercises to get your hips finally moving (15:10)
Master your Dominican and Sensual basic step (13:53)
1st part: Review of Module 1 (29:06)
2nd part: New combination (31:52)
Q&A video (24:08)
Zoom 28th of March - 'My story & how movement helped me heal' (65:50)
Live class 24th October - 'Unlock Your Sensuality GoodBye Party' (58:56)
NEW! Monday, 3.1.2022 - Bachata live class [recording available]
NEW! Monday, 10.1.2022. - Bachata live class [recording available]
NEW! Monday, 17.1.2022. - Bachata live class [recording available]
NEW! Monday, 24.1.2022. - Bachata live class [recording available]
Bachata for Couples
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